Welcome to the official Take the day. Blog

Welcome to the official Take the day. blog. The intent of this blog is to serve as a communication platform for the artists participating within the Take the day. event. This site should serve as a great unifying forum allowing artists involved to share work, ideas and get to know their fellow participants. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Artist Spotlight 2: Nicholas Ward and Stacey Evangelista

Together these two spotlit artists create a vast spectrum. Stacey and Nick are a great example of the philosphical diversity of the Take the day. artists.

metaphysical drumroll please.....

The infinitely creative and often times zaney Nicholas Ward is a stop-motion artist, a painter, a guy who makes drawings, a decent poet, and the list goes on and on. For as long as I've known him, Nick has always inspired us to think outside of our boxes. Thank you Nick. I'll leave it there. Here is a vimeo link to 3 of his stop-motion pieces. They're amazing. http://www.vimeo.com/user3447479

The expressive meditations of Stacey Evangelista reveal her intricate relationship with the world around her. Her still-lives, figures and her plein air landscrapes vibrate with appreciation, holding moments and memories in contemplative and optimistic arms. Her observations seem to contain a similar amount of detail as a memory, and make me feel as though I'm remembering something that I don't remember. Strange huh?  They're beautiful. Heres a link to Stacey's web site. http://www.staceyevangelista.blogspot.com/

Thank you Nicholas. Thank you Stacey.


  1. I can't wait to see what avenue Nick takes on the 13th of November... will he draw, paint, write a poem, or make a video? Fun video clip, Nick!

    Thank you Timothy & Justin! What a wonderful job you have done to make everyone aware of the event. All the details and time you have put into this project, it's quite impressive. I’m thrilled to participate, and hope this is the first of many more to come!

  2. Thanks Stacey. I'm glad you're excited. The cool thing about involving so many artists is that it's you and everyone else involved that are getting the word out and making this happen. Thanks so much for your support. Let's make this event something we can look back at and be proud of.
